Hungryroot's Easy-Cleanup Paneer Tikka Masala

Sliced fingerling potatoes, cubed paneer, and crispy broccoli - all covered in Maya Kaimal's delicious Tikka Masala Simmer Sauce cooked in a foil packet.
Quick prep, fuss-free cooking, and easy clean-up!
Servings: 2
Recipe by: HungryRoot
- 1 pack Sach Original Organic Paneer
- 1 pouch Maya Kaimal's Tikka Masala Simmer Sauce
- 1/2 bag Broccoli Florets
- 1/2 bag Fingerling Potatoes
- Preheat oven to 425°; slice ½ the bag of fingerlings into ¼-inch rounds, slice the paneer into 1-inch cubes, set aside ½ bag of broccoli for layering
- Place 2 large pieces of foil on a sheet pan + oil the foil; divide + layer fingerlings, paneer, broccoli + the pouch of sauce to each
- Bring the long edges of foil together + roll to seal, leaving 1-inch of space above ingredients; repeat with side ends of foil—your pack is sealed!
- Bake 22-25 min until potatoes are tender (watch out for steam when opening!)